Hollywood Robotics - Team 7211

Hollywood Robotics Logo Team 7211

Hollywood Robotics Team 7211 is Holly High School’s FRC (FIRST Robotics Competition) team. We participate in FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology), a worldwide robotics organization that includes thousands of teams and hundreds of thousands of students. Team Hollywood encourages innovation and fosters well-rounded life skills, including self-confidence, communication, and leadership. 

We create opportunities for our students to:
Build and Compete with a robot of their own design 
Learn to use professional hardware and software
Work with professional engineers and tradesmen
Develop skills such as engineering design, project management, programming, problem solving, teamwork, and strategic thinking
Qualify for over $80 million in college scholarships through FIRST



FIRST Robotics Logo

FIRST  “A Sport for the mind”

FIRST Robotics Competition combines the excitement of sports with the rigors of science and technology. Over a six week period, students design, manufacture, assemble, program, and test a robot to perform designated tasks against a field of competitors. It is as close to “real world” engineering as high school students can get. Teams compete in District, State, and World Championship events.

Gracious Professionalism and Coopertition are two pillars that lay the foundation of FIRST competitions and the teams participating in them. Gracious Professionalism is the idea that even though teams are competing, they show mutual kindness and respect to each other. Coopertition is the idea that competing teams provide assistance to each other when it’s needed. It’s also the idea that all teammates can learn from each other as well as the team's mentors.



Hollywood Robotics Gear logo

The robotics season officially starts at the beginning of January with the game reveal and kick off weekend. Off season meetings start in the fall, so students can join any time from September to January.

If you would like to join the team, contact Jack Hawley at jack.hawley@hask12.org.