Holly Education Foundation

Who Are We?
We're the H.E.F.
We are a group of dedicated parents and residents of the Holly Area School District (HAS) that believes the purpose of public education is to provide opportunities for all students to develop the attributes needed to be critical, creative thinkers, life-long learners, and responsible citizens in a global community. The Holly Education Foundation, or H.E.F., is a 501(c) (3) charitable foundation that raises money and distributes it throughout the HAS district, supporting teachers, students, and other staff members.
Our Mission
The foundation will support the mission of Holly Area Schools by acquiring resources and distributing them to Holly Area Schools to do the following:
- Enhance, enrich, and supplement current education programs
- Promote excellence and creativity in teaching
- Support and intensify educational leadership
- Create innovative instructional activities for both students and educators
- Develop a partnership between Holly Area Schools and the community
- Promote the district and its successes
How Do We Raise Money?
Memorial Gifts
Insurance Policies
Estate Planning
Cash Contributions
Payroll Deductions
Want to Contribute?
Your donation will enhance, support, and promote a partnership between Holly Area Schools and the community.
Please make checks payable to: Holly Education Foundation
Mail to: P.O. Box 225, Holly, MI 48442
Be sure to include the following information:
- Name
- Address, City, State
- Phone
- If you would like your donation to remain Anonymous
Send any comments or questions to: hollyeducationfoundation@gmail.com
Investing in our Kids' Futures - Investing in our Community!
The Board of Directors
Joseph Mishler
William Walters
Kaye Thorsby
Penny Raupp
Margaret Crocket
Lori Kahn
Dave Nuss