Career Programming and Business Partnerships
Career Programming
Welcome to HAS District Programming and Business Partnerships!!
Holly Area Schools provides robust Career Readiness and Career Programming opportunities and activities for all students of all ages and is proud and excited to be working with your student(s) within the areas of Career Readiness and Programming.We envision a thriving network of Strong partnerships between schools, local partnerships, industry leaders, and community organizations that fosters collaborative, holistic and diverse learning experiences for students. These partnerships will empower students to reach their full potential and seamlessly integrate their educational journey with the world beyond.
Career readiness is the process of preparing students of any age with the essential skills they need to find, acquire, maintain, and grow within a job, as defined by Applied Educational Skills.
Career readiness includes such important topics as
- Communication
- Problem solving skills
- Critical thinking
- Emotional intelligence
- Financial literacy
- Time management
- Stress management
Preparing students for life after school also includes both in-class instruction and apprenticeships, internships, externships, and co-ops, which encourage students to put their newly acquired skills to practice and even pick up new real-world skills they can’t necessarily acquire from inside a classroom.
Career readiness education is critical in schools because it prepares students for life after high school as they begin their careers, equipping them with the skills necessary to navigate the workforce. According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, career readiness skills, or what they refer to as transferable or employability skills, “provide students with a competitive edge during interviews and internships for current and future careers” and “can differentiate a good employee from a great one.
Holly Area School follows and implements the Michigan Career Development Model and Oakland Schools County-wide Targets at all grade levels:
Career Awareness (Grades K-3 and 4-6)
Elementary School Definition of Career Awareness:
During the early grade levels students become familiar with careers through learning that connects classroom instruction to future work. Career Awareness strategies introduce students to various types of careers. At the elementary level it is important that student exposure includes a broad spectrum of Career Zones, including careers that are nontraditional for their gender. The targets create learning opportunities that support academic rigor, knowledge and skill development, social emotional learning, and career awareness
HAS Elementary Career Readiness Experiences and Opportunities
- STEM Classes
- Oakland Schools STEMi Tour
- XELLO - Career Town and Missions
- Guest Speakers
- College and Career Week
- High School visit to tour Career courses
- Field Trips
Career Exploration (Grades 7-9)
Middle School Definition of Career Exploration:
Students explore and investigate Michigan’s 17 Career Clusters to discover which pathway and careers best align with their interests. Through embedded classroom lessons and activities, students start to develop an Educational Development Plan (EDP) and a Talent Portfolio. Career information and post-secondary education data are included within the planning process. During Career Exploration, course selections, investigation of multiple pathways, and refining of the EDP occurs. The goal is to create learning opportunities that support academic rigor, knowledge and skill development, social emotional learning, and career exploration. Career Exploration activities are an integrated collection of assessments, skill sets, and services intended to define students’ areas of interest and are aligned with core academic, technical, and employability skills.
Career Preparation (Grades 9-12)
High School Definition of Career Preparation:
During Career Preparation, high school students refine their career goals and the necessary educational preparation needed to be productive citizens in a global society. Various career preparation activities provide advanced/real-world experiences that help students link their career options and educational decisions. Students learn through coursework consistent with their career interest area, contextual learning, and Career Preparation while meeting academic standards. Counselors help students and their families plan and prepare for post-secondary education and careers. The goal is to create learning opportunities that support academic rigor, knowledge and skill development, social emotional learning, and career preparation. Career Preparation activities assist students in their academic readiness, connect students to their Career Cluster of interest, and prepare them for high-wage, high-skill, high-demand careers. Student coursework should be aligned with their academic, technical, and career preparation interests as they begin to develop their employability skills.
HAS Secondary Career Readiness Experiences and Opportunities
- Career Day
- Job Shadow
- Work Based Learning
- CTE Courses
- Military Visits
- Professional Trades Event
- College and Career Week
- Guest Speakers
- Careers in Construction Day
- Apprenticeship Opportunities
- Dual Enrollment
- Oakland Schools Technical Center
District Career Programming Events
- Manufacturing Day - October 6
- College Fair and College Presentation at HHS -October 11th 5-7
- 3rd Grade Visits to High School CTE classes
- Davisburg - October
- Rose Pioneer - Wednesday, November 15
- Holly Elementary - January 24
- Patterson - February 6th
- 8th Grade OCC Trades visit - November
- MiCareer Quest-Novi Showcase - November 5th
- 8th & 9th Grade OSTC Visits - November and May
- U of M Deep and EMC Parent Informational meeting - February 14th
- Careers in Construction - April
- MS Leadership Night - March/April
- HS 9th Grade Orientation - March
- STEM Night - March
- STEMi - March
- Professional Trades and Apprenticeship Night - April 17th
- MS Career Day - May 3rd
Professional Trades and Apprenticeship Open House Flyer
- Professional Trades and Apprenticeship Open House
- Open to the entire Holly Area Schools community
- Wednesday, April 17, from 6-8 p.m.
- Holly High School, 6161 E. Holly Road